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Smart & Secure Full-Stack Observability

A Platform for Monitoring Smarter, Not Harder

Today’s IT organizations are faced with the challenge of integrating new technology into their infrastructure while continuing to support legacy needs. Business technology stacks have become more complex, diverse and difficult to control than ever before. The Netreo IT Infrastructure Monitoring Platform gives organizations a unified, single source of truth view into their entire IT infrastructure, regardless of size, footprint or complexity.

Why the Netreo IT Infrastructure Monitoring Platform Just Works

Intelligent Alerts

Netreo’s smart handling of application failure detection allows you to automatically re-test failed services to suppress false alarms easily and automatically.

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Single Source of Truth

The Netreo IT Infrastructure Monitoring Platform consolidates multiple tools into one solution, is easily customizable, needs no complex infrastructure, and has little to no care and feeding costs.

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Automatic topology detection allows organizations to visualize the current topological configuration of their network without having to manually layout maps for every location.

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A Simplified View into the Entire Enterprise

Netreo offers comprehensive fault management. While many management systems attempt simplicity at the cost of flexibility, we deliver both by working beyond a basic ‘ping test.’ Netreo offers flexible, in-depth application testing and multiple protocol support while being simple to configure and administer.

Powerful, Yet Simple Tools

The Netreo web interface allows for secure and easy configuration from anywhere in the enterprise. Intelligent design and default settings allow for minimal administration and quick deployment. Alerts can be sent in many formats, including email, SMS, SNMP traps, and can be integrated with other management or trouble ticketing systems.

Thousands of Prebuilt Checks

The Netreo IT Infrastructure Monitoring Platform includes automated interface status detection, hardware failure checks for CPU, fan, and power supply, web defacement alerts, authenticated web testing, BGP, EIGRP, and OSPF routing or peering failures, SMTP, POP3, and IMAP mail telnet, remote access methods, and more! Customized alert options are practically unlimited.

What Does it Cost Your Company if a System Goes Down?

Lost Internal Productivity

Your organization’s labor and operating expenses likely get paid regardless of system downtime. So when a system fails, your organization pays all of its expenses with no meaningful productivity. And worse, once the system comes back up, you pay additional costs to make up for lost productivity.

Service-Level Agreements

Many customers require specific language for financial compensation in the event of a system outage. In addition to having to actually cover the costs a service-level agreement breach, paying that compensation does little to repair the damage to your brand in the eyes of customers, both internal and external.

Damage to the Brand

When customers frequently experience outages or other difficulties with a product or service, they will not only abandon that system, but also will share their negative experiences with others. Bad brand exposure could not only cost you that customer, but could hurt future potential deals, as well.

System Abandonment

If a system stops working or becomes unreliable, users abandon it. This is how unapproved systems or software gain traction within an organization, exposing you to more security risk. Unreliable systems often become candidates for expensive replacement plans, even if the root cause isn’t the system itself.

Data Loss or Exposure

A worst-case scenario for any IT department, any system outage comes with a risk of exposing or losing valuable or confidential data. While best practices and back ups can help mitigate risk, nobody plans for outages, which can lead to disastrous and unexpected consequences.

Mobile Management

Netreo’s mobile app provides a continuously synchronized view of active incidents in your environment and a live data feed of all devices under management through our iOS and Android mobile applications.

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Reporting & Analytics

Netreo provides clear visibility into actual user and application-level network traffic, allowing IT managers to make informed decisions with easily understandable graphical reports.

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Not quite ready to schedule your Netreo demo? We know that every infrastructure is different, but many of the issues are the same. A host of available resources, including live and on-demand webinars, white papers and eBooks, provide insights into how Netreo addresses the most common challenges that IT teams face. Check out how Netreo can turn your infrastructure into a force that drives IT team efficiency, digital transformation and business results.

Customer Success Stories

What Our Customers Are Saying

“We vetted the heck out of Netreo. We received glowing references from several Netreo customers, and we physically visited one large deployment. We also did a proof of concept before we signed on the dotted line. As soon as we knew it was the right solution for us, we went all in.”

Jason Russ,
Technical Group Leader

The feature-rich Netreo Tool has helped us to enhance our proactive public cloud infrastructure monitoring. The multi-tenant access feature of the tool has allowed us to further up our game in managed services delivery for our customers.

Amitava Gupta,
DGM & Practice Lead Managed Services at Embee

“My supervisor is the Vice President of Administration and Finance he reports to the College President. If he calls me with a question about something that is not working, I want to tell him ‘this is what’s happening, this is why it’s happening, and this is what we’re doing to fix it.’ With Netreo, I have the visibility to do that.”

Francesca Shiekh,
IT Director

A leading healthcare organization in the Northeastern US needed a consolidated network monitoring solution that provides a single global view of the whole enterprise. Netreo provided the backbone for a functioning and cooperative IT department while also cutting costs.

“Netreo understands the realities of a multi-vendor environment, and they have taken extra steps to consolidate everything we need so we don’t have to run multiple, incompatible management tools on dozens of different devices. We have great confidence in Netreo to cost-efficiently monitor and manage our entire data network and IP voice environment.”

Manager, Local Area Networks

“We take availability monitoring very seriously — this is very critical to us — if the network goes down our customers go down, and that should never happen. Netreo sets us apart with an almost omniscient ability to foresee potential problems and neutralize them before they impact our services.”

Scott Pedersen,
Senior Technical Director

“By using Netreo to provide full stack visibility in our environment we’ve reduced downtime to near-zero.
The net result has been a downtime and productivity loss cost avoidance of over $4 Million annually.”

Duleep Wikramanayake,

A leading space exploration company based in California faced many of the common challenges seen when monitoring a large, distributed IT infrastructure with thousands of devices supporting over 7,000 employees across 10 locations.

A major supermarket chain in the Southern US required a unified system under a single product line that allowed for upscaling. Consolidating all of their platforms into Netreo’s easy to use UI increased efficiency by 77%.

“Now that we have Netreo, we are no longer in crisis mode. We went from firefighting to fire prevention, with everything in one looking glass. And we’re saving $100,000 per year through network resource optimization.”

Duleep Wikramanayake,
Chief Information Officer

“Netreo is a highly reliable way of keeping track of the health of all of our infrastructure services. It allows us to quickly notice and respond to problems with our systems and our networks. Netreo is a real workhorse for us.”

John Mangrich,
John Mangrich

“We now get real-time warnings about network problems before our business units even realize there’s an issue. Netreo increases the speed of our IT group’s reaction time. It’s all about repositioning IT to be continuously proactive in supporting the business.”

Cory Mason,
Director, Global Information Technology

“Netreo had a great, flexible pricing model that allowed us to monitor anything and everything. If we wanted to monitor a server and a switch, we could monitor everything instead of picking and choosing which components we needed to monitor,”

Matt Penner,
Director of IT at Val Verde

“Netreo provides a rock-solid foundation for our network operations center. Without it, we would not be able to provide the high level of support that we do.”

Director of Information Technology

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