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Intelligent Alert Management

Make Sure Those Red and Yellow Alerts Really Mean Something

The longer your network monitoring system dashboard is lit up in red and yellow without consequence, the less the alerts will mean to you. Netreo’s smart handling of application failure detection allows you to automatically test and re-test failed services to suppress false alarms easily and efficiently. Any given service can be retested any number of times before notifications are sent, and if the problem is caused by connectivity or host issues, the alerts can be suppressed automatically.

Receive Only the Alerts that Matter with Netreo’s Intelligent Alert Management

Netreo’s Intelligent Alert management capabilities eliminate the redundant and false alerts flooding your phone, chat, and email.

Incident Management Rules

Validate and prioritize notifications

Device Auto Discovery

Inventory and identify systems and devices you need to monitor, or not monitor

Anomaly Thresholds

Identify only out-of-the-ordinary behavior from key devices

Intelligent alert management

Netreo helps organizations determine who will be directly notified of an alert — and how — to keep coherent alert thresholds throughout your IT environment. Alerts that generate an action item communication should be routed only to people who need to act on the alert, whether that’s through email, text, or some other notification. An inbox full of irrelevant notifications trains people to ignore all alerts, including those they should be acting upon.

Report anomalies — not predictable spikes

If your monitoring system is only looking for fixed threshold values, you might not be seeing the whole picture. Static thresholds, such as for server CPU or memory, can generate misleading alerts. A classic example is a SQL Database server. It might hit 100% CPU four times per day, but the organization doesn’t need to be alerted every time that happens. What’s really important is when the server is behaving unusually — Running at 80% at a specific time when it typically runs at 20%. This might indicate a problem with your application or users — but it won’t trigger a static alert. With Netreo’s anomaly detection, you will be alerted so you can find out what’s going on.

Smart Inventory

Before addressing alert thresholds, establish whether you even need to be monitoring a given device or system. A proper inventory of all of your organizational devices will help you make sure you’ve got visibility where you need it — and only where you need it.

As you prepare your network for a monitoring system installation, you can use either Netreo’s auto discovery process to inventory the systems and devices or simply manually inventory the devices yourself. Often times, an auto discovery process helps organizations identify key devices they hadn’t realized they could monitor so easily. Other times, a manual inventory can help you identify devices you probably don’t need to monitor.


Not quite ready to schedule your Netreo demo? We know that every infrastructure is different, but many of the issues are the same. A host of available resources, including live and on-demand webinars, white papers and eBooks, provide insights into how Netreo addresses the most common challenges that IT teams face. Check out how Netreo can turn your infrastructure into a force that drives IT team efficiency, digital transformation and business results.

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Comprehensive, Consolidated Alerting

While enterprise-size organizations are unlikely to have zero alerts at any given time, zero alerts should be a goal that organizations of all sizes aspire to. Properly configured alerts are essential, and poorly configured alerts can be worse than having none at all.

Netreo’s comprehensive monitoring, alerting, and reporting helps prevent various tools in your organization from creating alert noise that most of your team doesn’t fully understand and can’t always respond to properly. Different tools’ alarm systems may use different protocols to poll their devices and likely have their own UI. Different UIs might force you to unnecessarily create silos within your network management operation.

Automatically Set Thresholds for New Network Devices

Because the work of monitoring your network is never done, Netreo helps you as you automate future growth. Our platform presets alert thresholds for specific device classes based on the parameters you’ve already set. While some new devices won’t require exactly the same alert parameters as the device class in general, preset thresholds will provide protection if the device’s alerts aren’t reconfigured immediately.

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