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Latest features available in Netreo Essentials (Fall 2016)

By: Netreo
September 21, 2016

Major Netreo features released over the summer

New monitoring/automation support for

  • Azure Stream Analytics
  • Azure Media Services
  • Azure (and non-Azure) Redis Cache
  • Azure DocumentDb
  • Azure File Storage
  • SQL Server databases
  • MySQL databases
  • Oracle databases
  • JSON/XML API endpoints

New integrations with 3rd parties systems

  • Autotask
  • Nagios XI
  • Zabbix
  • Zapier

Finally, users can now configure their Netreo monitoring setup via a public REST-based API

In more detail

Resources supported
Resources supported

Azure Stream Analytics Support

Users can now monitor ASA job errors, inputs, outputs, events and functions of their Azure Stream Analytics jobs.  Alert when job fails, error occur, failed function requested are detected, and more

Azure Media Services Support

Users can now monitor Azure Media Services jobs, assets, streaming endpoints, and task errors.  Alert when jobs or tasks fail and more.

Azure Redis Cache Support

Users can now monitor Redis Cache (self-managed or managed by Azure) server load, evictions, connections, hit rate, etc.  Alert on outages, high load, connections, and more.

Azure DocumentDb Support

Users can now monitor Azure DocumentDb collections, track requests hit rate, response time, size, data inside objects, and more.  Alert on outages, high load, and even on custom data in their stored objects

Azure File Storage

Users can now monitor Azure File Storage accounts, track response time, egress/ingress, storage analytics, and more.  Alert on outages, errors, etc.

SQL Server, MySQL and Oracle Databases

Users can now monitor non-Azure SQL Server, MySQL, and Oracle databases, track response time, running queries, connections, top queries, and even data in user tables.  Alert on outages, deadlocks, high utilization, and more.

JSON/XML API Endpoints

Users can now monitor API endpoints, track response time, SSL expiration, import custom XML/JSON data as metrics, and more.  Alert on outages, slow response time, and user data published via API endpoints.

Integrations supported

Autotask Integration

Users can now automatically publish/resolve their Netreo alerts as Autotask tickets, and automatically assign a number of important Autotask ticket fields.

Zapier Integration

Users can now automatically publish their Netreo alerts as Zapier zaps to hundreds of cloud apps that Zapier integrates with.

Zabbix/Nagios XI Integrations

Netreo can send its monitored metric data that it collects to Zabbix or Nagios monitoring servers.  These are full monitoring integrations, whereby Netreo creates mirror resource definitions in either Zabbix or Nagios and pushes its raw metric data to these resources every minute.

Netreo REST-based API

Users can now instrument monitoring of their Netreo resources via a REST-based API.  The API will allow DevOps to script out automatic addition/removal of resources to Netreo environment.  API comes with a Nuget package that can be used by .NET developers to further automate their deployments and is documented via Swagger UI.

Find Out how Netreo can help you with all your Azure monitoring needs. Request a Demo Today!

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