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Azure services for building mobile apps

By: Netreo
July 6, 2018

Users can easily build, install, and test their apps with the help of multiple robust tools and services offered by various app centers such as Azure, Visual Studio app center, and Xamarin. These platforms allow users to opt for a language and effortlessly choose cloud services to quickly scale their apps. Here are some cloud services available for mobile developers.

Mobile Backend as a Service, Artificial Intelligence, and Data are the services offered by Azure to build cloud-connected mobile apps. They facilitate additional functionality like communication, search, and identity.

Mobile Backend as a Service: Azure Functions and Mobile Apps are the two important mobile app services by Azure. Former is a serverless service that allows customers to add code. Being the fastest known service for getting and running your code it lets you enter it in different supported languages such as Python and JavaScript. On the other hand, the latter provides a backend in C# and Node.js and offers valuable features including user authentication, offline sync, and push notifications.

Data: Data storage is the first and foremost need for every cloud-connected app service. Azure fulfills this need by providing  Azure Cosmos DB. The service enables high scalability and extremely low latency. Likewise, Azure SQL Database is a fully managed service that stores files, NoSQL databases, and unstructured objects.

Artificial Intelligence: Azure Machine Learning lets you define learning models and allows to perform computation on a massive scale. Drag and drop service in Azure Machine Learning Studio makes tasks easy to perform and doesn’t require any coding.  Cognitive Services are more ready-to-use AI services that are highly beneficial for speech recognition, image processing, and natural language processing services. 

Cross-platform mobile app development with .NET: Visual Studio and Xamarin allow you to create mobile apps for both Android and iOS Platforms by sharing 95% of the code. Turnkey, flexible and scalable code along with artificial intelligence and push notifications are the essential features. End to end development has become effortless due to Swift, Java, and Objective-C which help you ship faster getting continuous feedback. All you need is to follow a simple setup procedure as mentioned below:

  • setup CI/CD pipeline after connecting the code to your repo;
  • build in the cloud;
  • use real devices to test the code;
  • divide apps into different parts to do beta testing;
  • monitor real usage and analytics data.

Azure monitoring and automation: use Netreo to monitor and automate Azure Functions, Azure SQL Database, and other services as you focus on the development.

Refer to Visual Studio and Xamarin,  exploring Azure services, and free Visual Studio App Center account to explore more about the above-mentioned services and requirements for mobile apps.

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