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List of Top Azure Microsoft MVP’s to follow on Twitter

By: Netreo
April 7, 2016

Top Azure Microsoft MVP’s to follow on Twitter

Microsoft MVP’s are exceptional, independent community leaders who share their passion, technical expertise, and real-world knowledge of Microsoft products with others. The awarded are people who “actively share their … technical expertise with the different technology communities related directly or indirectly to Microsoft”.

To recognize MVP’s that are awarded for their untiring passion to help people around Azure microsoft, we have compiled a list of Top Azure Microsoft MVP’s you can follow on Twitter.

Mihail Alexandrov Mateev

Mihail Alexandrov Mateev

Mihail Mateev is a Solutions Architect, PM and Senior Technical Evangelist at Strypes, blogger at Infragistics Inc. Microsoft Azure MVP. Windows Phone, , LightSwitch, ASP.Net MVC, Windows Store Applications, MS SQL Server and Microsoft Azure. He also write many jQuery related blogs.

Twitter Followers = 470

Twitter   : @mihailmateev  |  Website : http://www.infragistics.com/

Anton Boyko

Anton Boyko

My name is Anton Boyko, and I’m a developer.

Twitter Followers = 89

Twitter   : @BoykoAnt  |  Website : http://boykoant.azurewebsites.net/

Gaurav Mantri

Gaurav Mantri

Gaurav Mantri is Founder of Cerebrata Software (http://www.cerebrata.com), an ISV based out of India focusing exclusively on building developer tools for Windows Azure platform.

Twitter Followers = 1050

Twitter   : @gmantri  |  Website : http://www.cloudportam.com/

Sunao Tomita

Sunao Tomita

I feel the pleasure to be a stupid implementation with the latest technology. Or was the MVP of but is this guy Microsoft Azure, or was a person in the cloud hodgepodge. At the same remark it does not matter where in private opinion, and leave pitched preemptive apology.

Twitter Followers = 1610

Twitter   : @harutama  |  Website : http://harutama.hatenablog.com/

Takahito Yamatoya

Takahito Yamatoya

Infrastructure engineer Microsoft MVP for Azure 2011-1016

Twitter Followers = 887

Twitter   : @t_yamatoya  |  Website : http://sqlazure.jp/

Jérémy Jeanson

Jérémy Jeanson

.net fan, MVP Microsoft Integration

Twitter Followers = 200

Twitter   : @JeremyJeanson  |  Website : http://blogs.developpeur.org/jeremyjeanson/

Roberto Freato

Roberto Freato

Since 2008 I’m a Freelance IT Consultant and Trainer with proven experience: I’m a M.Sc IT Engineer particularly sensitive about Cloud Computing and Mobile, I’m activist in the community world, especially on Microsoft Azure and Windows Phone.

Website : http://blogs.developpeur.org/jeremyjeanson/

Damir Dobric

Damir Dobric

I’m co-founder and lead architect of daenet GmbH. Microsoft MVP and Partner Technical Solution Specialist for Microsoft Azure

Twitter Followers = 444

Twitter   : @ddobric  |  Website : http://developers.de/blogs/damir_dobric/default.aspx

Ahmed Bahaa Farid

Ahmed Bahaa Farid

Dr. Ahmed Bahaa is an as an A. Professor in Faculty of Computers and Information – Helwan University. Additionally, he is an ISO advisory committee member for ISO JTC1 in Geneve. In 2010 Microsoft has ranked Ahmed as one of the top elite 100 IT worldwide thought leaders thus, he joined the Regional Directors group as a representative of Middle East & Africa (The only African member in this group).

Twitter Followers = 2480

Twitter   :@AhmedBahaa_8

Nino Crudele

Nino Crudele

9 years Microsoft Integration MVP (BizTalk Server, Application Integration, Azure), Blogger, Developer, Author and Speaker.

Twitter Followers = 850

Twitter   : @ninocrudele  |  Website : http://ninocrudele.me/

Aymeric Weinbach

Aymeric Weinbach

La tête dans les nuages, Indépendant, Architecte Logiciel, Maker, Robot Développeur, Cloud Guru, Web & Smartphone App. MVP Microsoft Azure et Développeur Nao

Twitter Followers = 285

Twitter   : @aymericw |  Website : http://www.zecloud.fr/

Benjamin Soulier

Benjamin Soulier

I have been working on Microsoft technologies since 2000, stating on development and infrastructure side. I am now a Technical Expert and Architect around web enterprise enabled solutions based on Windows Azure, but also ASP.NET and SharePoint 2010.

Twitter Followers = 309

Twitter   : @bsoulier |  Website : http://www.soulier.ch/

Daron Yondem

Daron Yondem

Daron started his way in the community writing his first ASP.NET AJAX book, an 800 pages long AJAX Bible. He started hosting sessions all around Turkey trying to spread the word about AJAX libraries and ASP.NET’s approach to it. He wrote articles on MSDN Magazine, PC World, PC Net Magazine.

Twitter Followers = 9700

Twitter   : @daronyondem |  Website : http://daron.yondem.com/software/blog/

Michael Wood

Michael Wood

I talk about code….for a living….yes, seriously. I’m passionate about cloud computing, good Sci Fi and games. Tweets are my own.

Twitter Followers = 1890

Twitter   : @mikewo |  Website : http://mvwood.com/blog/

Ming Chung Chu

Ming Chung Chu

Delivering Cloud Computing, Microsoft Azure and Microsoft technologies, courses and researches.

Website : https://dotblogs.com.tw

Wilfried Woivré

Wilfried Woivré

I’m MVP since April 2012, I’m working on Microsoft Azure since the first preview. I’m Expert Azure at Soat, a French IT services. I’m fortunate to work in both the world of startups through Microsoft Ventures incubator and also on e-commerce sites.

Twitter Followers = 684

Twitter   : @wilfriedwoivre |  Website : http://blog.woivre.fr/

Aidan Casey

Aidan Casey

Aidan is based in Ireland and works remotely as chief architect of practice solutions for MYOB Australia. In his role he provides technical leadership and guidance to a large development team. Aidan has over 16 years’ experience in the software industry.

Twitter Followers = 500

Twitter   : @AIDANJCASEY |  Website : https://acaseyblog.wordpress.com/

Aleksandar Nikolic

Aleksandar Nikolic

wrong description

Alan Smith is a Microsoft Azure developer, trainer, mentor and evangelist at Active Solution in Stockholm. He has a strong hands-on philosophy and focusses on embracing the power and flexibility of cloud computing to deliver engaging and exciting demos and training.

Twitter Followers = 2588

Twitter   : @alexandair |  Website : http://powershellers.blogspot.com/

Alex Mang

Alex Mang

Alex Mang is a regular conference and user groups speaker focusing mostly on cloud-computing topics, thus aiming to help developers better understand the implications of cloud-computing as a whole.

Twitter Followers = 235

Twitter   : @mangalexandru |  Website : http://alexmang.com/

Anders Eide

Anders Eide

Anders is one of those crazy ones who wake up an hour before any bird, just to read and test all the news about Microsoft Cloud technology. That way, he can be ready for any questions coming when he begins his workday, or when someone ask about it in the community.

Twitter Followers = 163

Twitter   : @anderseide |  Website : https://anderseideblog.wordpress.com/

Andri Yadi

Andri Yadi

Andri Yadi is an entrepreneur, a developer, and a community influencer. A fast learner, problem solver, movie freak, and Golden Retriever and Siberian Husky owner.

Twitter Followers = 2167

Twitter   : @andri_yadi |  Website : http://andriyadi.me/

Andrzej Kaźmierczak

Andrzej Kaźmierczak

Andrzej Kaźmierczak is an IT professional with many years of IT security experience to his credit. As a certified Architect and Systems Engineer in the field of Microsoft security solutions, Andrzej expands on his vast knowledge of the industry working with many major worldwide corporations and organizations from a wide variety of industry fields.

Twitter Followers = 125

Twitter   : @ANDKAZM |  Website : http://kazmierczak.eu/itblog/



Microsoft SME @HDS_EMEA – SCCDM MVP – SC, WS, Hyper-V, Azure, EMS, PowerShell, WAP, AzureStack, Software Defined X – Husband to beautiful@zytnck

Twitter Followers = 500

Twitter   : @anil_erduran |  Website : http://anilerduran.com/

Anton Vidishchev

Anton Vidishchev

Azure MVP, geek, young father

Twitter Followers = 301

Twitter   : @antonvidishchev |  Website : http://binary-studio.com/

Artur Baranok

Artur Baranok

LA.BY – cloud technologies; Microsoft MVP 2015. Interests: Drupal 8, Microsoft Azure, Win 10, Xbox, Game development. Work: vmn.by

Twitter Followers = 1004

Twitter   : @ArturBaranok |  Website : http://www.la.by/

Atsushi Kojima

Atsushi Kojima

Bassist of ex nunchaku. Anglers or people of the cloud from time to time. Microsoft MVP.

Twitter Followers = 150

Twitter   : @techno_officer |  Website : http://www.techno-officer.com/

Ashwin Prabhu

Ashwin Prabhu

M.R.Ashwin Prabhu is the founder and CEO of Fortuvis Systems Limited, a consulting company specialised in Microsoft technologies based in the UK. Ashwin is a highly experienced integration consultant who works with clients to deliver high quality solutions.

Twitter Followers = 200

Twitter   : @MRAshwinPrabhu |  Website : http://www.fortuvis.com/

Bayer White

Bayer White

Bayer White is a .NET Architect and Microsoft Integration, Microsoft MVP and co-founder of Jacksonville’s Microsoft Developers User Group (MDUGJax).

Twitter Followers = 175

Twitter   : @BayerWhite |  Website : http://www.humanworkflow.net/

Bill Chesnut

Bill Chesnut

Bill is Cloud Platform & API Evangelist at SixPivot located in Melbourne Australia. Bill started his career in IT back in 1983 with the US Defence as an IBM Systems Programmer. He switched to the Microsoft Windows platform in 1994, and has been involved with Windows development ever since.

Twitter Followers = 760

Twitter   : @BizTalkBill |  Website : http://www.biztalkbill.com/

Carlos Milan Figueredo

Carlos Milan Figueredo

I’m the kind of engineer that makes of technology a lifestyle and passion, transmitting it to everyone around me. With extensive experience as evangelist, ITpro and Technical Sales Professional; I enjoy studying, developing and playing with technology.

Twitter Followers = 390

Twitter   : @cmilanf |  Website : http://www.hispamsx.org/

Chervine Bhiwoo

Chervine Bhiwoo

Chervine has been playing with codes since the age of 15 and today enjoys his role in the world of technology as this skill helps him solve real-world problems and help make the life of people better.

Twitter Followers = 210

Twitter   : @chervinebhiwoo |  Website : http://www.meainfluencer.com/

Daniel Bowbyes

Daniel Bowbyes

Daniel Bowbyes has his head in the Clouds as Practice Lead for Datacom NZ’s CloudConsult team. Daniel helps run the Microsoft Wellington Infrastructure and Azure User Group and is a regular presenter at Microsoft events around New Zealand.

Twitter Followers = 77

Twitter   : @DBowbyes |  Website : https://blog.bowbyes.co.nz/

Daniel Marbach

Daniel Marbach

Daniel Marbach is a Solution Architect at Particular Software Ltd and the CEO of tracelight GmbH. His experience spreads from client and server development to building distributed systems. Daniel has an engineer degree from the University of Applied Science in Horw.

Twitter Followers = 1010

Twitter   : @danielmarbach |  Website : http://www.openplace.net/

Darrel Miller

Darrel Miller

Web APIs, Hypermedia APIs, REST based LOB systems are my area of expertise.

Twitter Followers = 3555

Twitter   : @darrel_miller |  Website : http://stackoverflow.com/

David Rendón

David Rendón

IT consultant and a Microsoft MVP with the expertise in Microsoft Azure from México, specialist in enterprise data and applications management in cloud environments.

Twitter Followers = 1300

Twitter   : @DaveRndn |  Website : http://wikiazure.com/

David Rodriguez

David Rodriguez

David Rodriguez, is a happy Spanish guy living and working in Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain) where he was born. He is one of the lucky ones who has the opportunity to work with cutting edge technologies at DNN as the Lead Engineer on the Cloud Team.

Twitter Followers = 1025

Twitter   : @davidjrh |  Website : http://davidjrh.intelequia.com/

Demetrio U. Tabadero

Demetrio U. Tabadero

June has worked in the software development industry in a variety of roles. He has a strong background on .NET and SQL Server technologies.

Twitter Followers = 324

Twitter   : @jtabadero |  Website : https://jtabadero.wordpress.com/

Dennis Burton

Dennis Burton

Dennis Burton is a web developer who constantly challenges the norm. He is a Windows Azure Insider and MVP that is known for taking tools and frameworks from non-Microsoft ecosystems and running them on Windows Azure.

Twitter Followers = 1020

Twitter   :@dburton |  Website : http://developusing.net/

Dimitar Georgiev

Dimitar Georgiev

I am passionate developer and manager. I love to build products and teams. Currently i am CEO and CTO of two companies. My motto is develop, think, enjoy 🙂

Website : http://sourcerealms.net/

Dino Wang

Dino Wang

Experience over the job of software engineers, internet engineer, project manager, technical director, at present, for the hexdigits CTO. Hexdigits providing .NET / Azure technical advice, training and software development project services.

Twitter Followers = 27

Twitter   : @tw_mvc |  Website : http://mvc.tw/

Dominik Boesl

Dominik Boesl

Dominik Boesl has been responsible for Innovation and Technology Management at KUKA since he joined KUKA Laboratories in 2011 as Head of Corporate Strategy and Member of the Board. Since 2012.

Twitter Followers = 261

Twitter   : @NickBoesl |  Website : http://www.roboticgovernance.com/

Edison Go Tan

Edison Go Tan

Edison Go Tan is an enterprise architect, developer and a system administrator. He is working on several projects related to media and cloud services.

Twitter Followers = 600

Twitter   : @edisongotan 

Edson Yanaga

Edson Yanaga

Empowering developers worldwide to deliver better software faster as Director of Developer Experience at Red Hat. Java Champion & Microsoft MVP.

Twitter Followers = 2500

Twitter   : @yanaga |  Website : http://www.yanaga.com.br/

Eran Stiller

Eran Stiller

A software architect, consultant, instructor, technology addict, Microsoft Azure MVP, photographer, pastry-cook, husband and father.

Twitter Followers = 150

Twitter   : @eranstiller |  Website : http://stiller.co.il/blog/

Eric D Boyd

Eric D Boyd

I help others create amazing technology. Entrepreneur at 10. @responsiveXfounder. @Azure MVP, #Azure SQL DB book author. Guitar player at 4. Husband. Dad.

Twitter Followers = 2303

Twitter   : @EricDBoyd |  Website : http://www.ericdboyd.com/

Evilázaro Alves

Evilázaro Alves

Microsoft Regional Director and Microsoft Azure MVP. Chief Business Development Officer at BR Soluções Integradas -http://www.brsolucoesintegradas.com.br

Twitter Followers = 3680

Twitter   : @evilazaro |  Website : http://www.evilazaro.com.br/

Fabio Cozzolino

Fabio Cozzolino

Fabio Cozzolino is Chief Software Architect in CompuGroup Medical Italia with a special involvement on the development of e-health platforms and solutions.

Twitter Followers = 400

Twitter   : @fabiocozzolino |  Website : http://dotnetside.org/blogs/fabio/

Frank Boucher

Frank Boucher

With over 15 years of experience in the IT industry, François (Frank) Boucher is a trusted Microsoft Azure professional whose expertise and bilingual service are relied upon in large Canadian markets (Ottawa and Montreal) as well as internationally (Minsk).

Twitter Followers = 260

Twitter   : @fboucheros |  Website : http://www.frankysnotes.com/

Georgiy Mogelashvili

Georgiy Mogelashvili

Developer at http://Booking.com . Microsoft Azure MVP. This twitter reflects only my opinion. 18+

Twitter Followers = 262

Twitter   : @glamcoder |  Website : https://glamcoder.ru/en/

Glenn Colpaert

Glenn Colpaert      

Glenn Colpaert is an Integration Consultant and Microsoft Integration MVP at Codit. He has been integrating businesses with BizTalk & Microsoft technologies for more than 7 years.

Twitter Followers = 483

Twitter   : @GlennColpaert |  Website : http://www.codit.eu/blog/

Guillermo Javier Bellmann

Guillermo Javier Bellmann

Cloud architect @nubimetrics. Microsoft Azure MVP. Microsoft Certified Professional. Technology and photography lover.

Twitter Followers = 502

Twitter   : @gjbellmann |  Website : http://blog.gbellmann.technology/

Guy Barrette

Guy Barrette

Guy Barrette is a freelance Architect/Developer based in Montreal, Canada and is a Azure MVP and a Microsoft Regional Director. He has been working and developing with Microsoft development tools since the launch of VB 3 in 1994.

Twitter Followers = 825

Twitter   : @GuyBarrette |  Website : http://blog.guybarrette.com/page/Guy-Barrette-Bio.aspx

Ibon Landa

Ibon Landa

I have been involved in software development for more than 14 years. During this time I have been employed by several companies in which I had the chance of work with a wide range of environment and technologies.

Twitter Followers = 1635

Twitter   : @ibonilm |  Website : http://www.estoyenlanube.com/

Israel Aéce

Israel Aéce    

Expert in the Microsoft development technologies, he acts as a developer of applications for financial market using the .NET platform. As Microsoft Trainer, he teaches about development of .NET applications.

Twitter Followers = 1270

Twitter   : @israelaece |  Website : http://www.israelaece.com/

Jan Hentschel

Jan Hentschel

I’m a .NET developer, Microsoft Certified Trainer, and Windows Azure MVP with a special interest in Windows Phone 7, Windows 8, and of course Windows Azure.

Twitter Followers = 260

Twitter   : @Horizon_Net |  Website : http://janatdevelopment.com/

Jason Milgram

Jason Milgram

Focused on Microsoft Azure projects, Microsoft Enterprise Mobility Suite (EMS) implementations, Big Data, and Machine Learning.

Twitter Followers = 683

Twitter   : @jmilgram 

Jean-Luc Boucho

Jean-Luc Boucho

Architect & Manager, MVP Microsoft Azure.

Twitter Followers = 260

Twitter   : @JeanLucBoucho |  Website : http://blog.jeanlucboucho.com/

Jeong Hyun Nam

Jeong Hyun Nam

I’m interested in cloud computing / windows azure platform development. I hope .NET technologies will become more popular.

Twitter Followers = 523

Twitter   : @rkttu |  Website : http://www.rkttu.com/

Jeremie Devillard

Jeremie Devillard

I’m Jérémie Devillard and I’m a French developper on Microsoft Technologies (but not only !!!! I also work on php, java, javascript, nodejs and so …)

Twitter Followers = 133

Twitter   : @jeremiedev |  Website :  https://jeremiedevillard.wordpress.com/

Johan Hedberg

Johan Hedberg

I’m a middleware and architecture guy. BizTalk is home, but anything middleware/cloud/mobile/data/web area works. Speaker, author, user group lead and more.

Twitter Followers = 365

Twitter   : @JoHed |  Website :  http://blogical.se/blogs/johan/

Justin Yoo

Justin Yoo

Justin is a senior .NET developer working for a consulting company based in Melbourne, Australia. He has been in .NET world since 2003 and become a Microsoft MVP in 2015.

Twitter Followers = 1300

Twitter   : @justinchronicle |  Website : http://justinchronicles.net/

Kamaludeen Mohamed Faizal

Kamaludeen Mohamed Faizal

Faizal has 17+years’ experience in Enterprise Solutions, SharePoint, Cloud Architect (PaaS/SaaS) with extensive experience on developing .NET, SharePoint 2007,2010 and 2013 solutions on the cloud or on premise. Faizal has consulted for many enterprise companies and government agencies

Twitter Followers = 67

Twitter   : @kmdfaizal |  Website : http://www.zquad.in/

Kazunori Hamamoto

Kazunori Hamamoto

C#/Azure/,NET/Microsoft/Anime/Snowboarding/Mazda/SUPER GT / ラブライブ / μ’s / 東條希(のんたん) Microsoft MVP for Azure

Twitter Followers = 625

Twitter   : @airish9 |  Website : http://blog.hamamotsu.jp/

Keiji Kamebuchi

Keiji Kamebuchi

pnop Inc. / Senior Fellow / Developer / Microsoft Azure / AP.NET (MVC/WebAPI) / Office 365 / WPF / Windows Store Apps / ITPro / C# / Japan Azure User Group (JAZUG) / Universal Windows Platform / IoT

Twitter Followers = 1705

Twitter   : @kosmosebi |  Website : https://buchizo.wordpress.com/

Kentaro Aoki

Kentaro Aoki

I am JAZUG (Japan Windows Azure Users Group) Core Member. I ♥ Azure, Web App Service, Cortana Analytics, Azure Active Directory.

Twitter Followers = 270

Twitter   : @kosmosebi |  Website : https://buchizo.wordpress.com/

Kris van der Mast

Kris van der Mast

I’m a senior .NET developer/architect specializing in Microsoft web technologies and Windows Azure. Besides being an MVP I’m also a Microsoft ASP Insider and moderator on the international ASP.NET forums.

Twitter Followers = 1370

Twitter   : @KvdM |  Website : http://www.krisvandermast.com/

Kunal Chandratre

Kunal Chandratre

MVP in Microsoft Azure and Azure Insider…Passionate Azure Trainer, Speaker in Microsoft and local UG Events and Blogger…

Twitter Followers = 118

Twitter   : @kunalchandratre |  Website : http://sanganakauthority.blogspot.com/

Kuniteru Asami

Kuniteru Asami

Technical assistance, consulting for Microsoft Azure. Optimize the system for deployment on Azure, architecture, design, and support the operation. Especially curious to deploy Linux and OSS system of middleware on the Azure. (Affiliated company (pnop, Cloudlive) is not limited to the OSS, provide a deep service in Windows system)

Twitter Followers = 281

Twitter   : @kunyami |  Website : http://www.asami.asia/

Lucas Almeida Romão

Lucas Almeida Romão

Pai da Julia e da Rafaela, casado com a @CarolNapolitano, Corinthiano, desenvolvedor, MVP de Microsoft Azure e líder da Comunidade @AzureServicesBR

Twitter Followers = 1423

Twitter   : @LucasRomao |  Website : http://lucasromao.azurewebsites.net/

Luis Diego Rojas

Luis Diego Rojas

I have over 17 years of experience in the software development field. in thel last 12 I-ve been involved in middleware projects where mainly we use BizTalk and lately Windows Service Bus.

Twitter Followers = 675

Twitter   : @drojasm |  Website : http://icomparable.blogspot.com/

Łukasz Kałużny

Łukasz Kałużny

Cloud Architect at ITMAGINATION | MVP: Microsoft Azure.

Twitter Followers = 210

Twitter   : @kaluzaaa |  Website : http://blog.kaluzny.pro/

Magnus Martensson

Magnus Martensson

As the owner of Magnus Martensson Consulting No-Op Man is perpetually at 150%! Microsoft Azure Most Valuable Professional (MVP), Insider & Advisor. ASP Insider.

Twitter Followers = 2023

Twitter   : @noopman |  Website : http://magnusmartensson.com/

Mahesh Krishnan

Mahesh Krishnan

CTO @HealthConnexAU, .NET & ☁ Geek, Author, Speaker, Azure MVP, DDD Melbourne Organiser, Tam Brahm, i3j3 cricket blogger and all-round nice guy from Melbourne:)

Twitter Followers = 1150

Twitter   : @MaheshKrishnan |  Website : http://mahe.sh/

Maheshkumar Tiwari

Maheshkumar Tiwari

Maheshkumar S. Tiwari is working as a Technical Leader in Pune, India. He has over 7+ years of experience with EAI/EDI technologies like Axway Amtrix and Microsoft BizTalk Server.

Twitter Followers = 170

Twitter   : @Savvy_mahesh |  Website : http://tech-findings.blogspot.in/p/about.html

Manesh Raveendran

Manesh Raveendran

Microsoft Azure MVP. Technology advisor and consultant specializing in cloud computing, data platforms and DevOps. Certified architect on Azure and AWS.

Twitter Followers = 100

Twitter   : @ManeshRavendran |  Website : http://manesh.me/

Marc van Eijk

Marc van Eijk

MVP Microsoft Azure, Cloud and Datacenter Management | #Azure #AzureStack | @we_are_inovativ

Twitter Followers = 1560

Twitter   : @_marcvaneijk |  Website : http://marcvaneijk.com/

Marco Parenzan

Marco Parenzan

NET developer since the beginning. Azure passionate. Microsoft MVP 2014 for Azure. Trying to be a functional and html5 game developer.

Twitter Followers = 400

Twitter   : @marco_parenzan |  Website : http://www.marcoparenzan.it/

Marcondes Josino Alexandre

Marcondes Josino Alexandre

Profissional com 13 anos de experiência na área de Tecnologia da Informação e soluções Microsoft em Banco de Dados e Infraestrutura.

Website : https://marcondesalexandrebr.wordpress.com

Marius Zaharia

Marius Zaharia

Marius Zaharia is a cloud senior architect focused at Cellenza, a French company specialized in cloud development, integration and ALM.

Twitter Followers = 131

Twitter   : @lecampusazure |  Website : http://blog.lecampusazure.net/

Mark Scholman

Mark Scholman

Consultant @we_are_inovativ. Microsoft Azure MVP. Building #Clouds with #SysCtr, #Azure, #WAPack, #Azurestack and #Powershell. Blogger @hypervnu & @azurestackeu

Twitter Followers = 820

Twitter   : @markscholman |  Website : https://azurestack.eu/

Masaki Yamamoto

Masaki Yamamoto

Microsoft MVP for Microsoft Azure Jul, 2014.

Twitter Followers = 560

Twitter   : @nnasaki |  Website : http://blog.nnasaki.com/

Maurice de Beijer

Maurice de Beijer

Independent .NET geek, DevelopMentor instructor, Kai’s daddy and paraglider.

Twitter Followers = 920

Twitter   : @MauriceDB |  Website : http://blogs.msmvps.com/theproblemsolver/

Michael Stephenson

Michael Stephenson

Interested in Integration using Microsoft technologies such as Windows Azure and BizTalk.

Twitter Followers = 870

Twitter   : @michael_stephen |  Website : http://microsoftintegration.guru/

Michael WashamMichael Washam

Michael Washam is the CEO of Opsgility and a 15 year veteran at Microsoft. He has extensive history in the IT Industry where he has worked as an IT Professional, Developer, Evangelist and Program Manager. Michael is also a Microsoft Azure MVP, Insider and Advisor.

Twitter Followers = 1605

Twitter   : @mwashamtx |  Website : https://www.opsgility.com/

Michał Smereczyński

Michał Smereczyński

Founder and animator of Polish Microsoft Azure User Group. Entrepreneur – expert and consultant in the field of adaptation and implementation of Microsoft Azure platform.

Twitter Followers = 388

Twitter   : @smereczynski |  Website : https://lnx.azurewebsites.net/

Michel Hubert

Michel Hubert

Regional Director
Sales and Marketing Competency Assessment for Application Integration
BizTalk Technical Competency Assessment for Application Integration
Technical Assessment for using Azure for Datacenter Solutions
Technical Assessment for using Azure for Data Analytics et Data Platform

Twitter Followers = 285

Twitter   : @MichelHubert |  Website : https://hubertmichel.wordpress.com/

Michele Leroux Bustamante

Michele Leroux Bustamante

Michele Leroux Bustamante is a founder and CIO at Solliance, Microsoft Regional Director and Azure MVP. She specializes in system design, cloud computing, security and compliance, and DevOps.

Twitter Followers = 4120

Twitter   : @michelebusta |  Website : http://michelebusta.com/

Mick Badran

Mick Badran

Mick Badran is the Chief Technology Office (CTO) of MOQdigital in Australia. – moqdigital.com.au Mick was first awarded as an MVP in 2005 for BizTalk and is currently awarded for Windows Azure.

Twitter Followers = 400

Twitter   : @mickba |  Website : http://blog.mickbadran.com/

Miguel A. Castro

Miguel A. Castro

Software Engineering Consultant :: Microsoft MVP & RD :: Conference Speaker :: ASP, C#, Azure, & VSX Insider :: Formula 1 Fanatic :: Firearms Enthusiast.

Twitter Followers = 4077

Twitter   : @miguelcastro67 |  Website : http://www.melvicorp.com/

Mikael Hakansson

Mikael Hakansson

Mikael Håkansson started Enfo Zign to offers mobile related products and services to customers. We help organizations to get started and setting up their mobile strategy and platform, along with building customized solutions for their need.

Twitter Followers = 385

Twitter   : @wmmihaa |  Website : http://blogical.se/blogs/mikael/

Mike Martin

Mike Martin

Mike is Microsoft Lead Consultant and Architect at Crosspoint Solutions (part of the Cronos group), a company with a strong focus on BI, Data and CRM.

Twitter Followers = 2617

Twitter   : @TechMike2kX |  Website : https://techmike2kx.wordpress.com/

Morten Christensen

Morten Christensen

Microsoft Azure MVP, Azure Insider and Azure Websites Advisor. Developer, Architect, Speaker, Husband and Father.

Twitter Followers = 1130

Twitter   : @sitereactor |  Website : http://blog.sitereactor.dk/

Mustafa Toroman

Mustafa Toroman

System Engineer at COMP-IT LTD, Sarajevo,BiH.Love to test and explore new technologies. Has over 20 active MS certificates such as MCSA for Windows Server and SQL Server, MCSE Private Cloud, Data Platform, Business Intelliegence and Server Infrastracture.

Twitter Followers = 35

Twitter   : @toromust |  Website : http://toroman.azurewebsites.net/

Nicholas A Hauenstein

Microsoft Azure MVP. Software Developer and Instructor for QuickLearn Training. Twitter is where I muse about BizTalk, TFS, Azure and Geek culture.

Twitter Followers = 200

Twitter   : @nickhauenstein |  Website : http://www.quicklearn.com/blog/

Nicola Ferrini

Nicola Ferrini is a freelance Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT). He works for several Microsoft CPLS (Certified Partner for Learning Solutions) in Italy. He has several thousand hours of instructor-led training experience.

Twitter Followers = 225

Twitter   : @nicolaferrini |  Website : http://www.nicolaferrini.it/ita/

Nuno Filipe Godinho

General Manager Software, Europe / Software CTO at GE Healthcare, Windows Azure MVP, Speaker, Mentor, Consultant, Developer, Architect, Trainer

Twitter Followers = 1980

Twitter   : @NunoGodinho |  Website : http://blogs.msmvps.com/nunogodinho/

Önder Değer

Microsoft Azure MVP, IT Solutions Architect, Community Lead.

Twitter Followers = 235

Twitter   : @onderdeger |  Website : http://www.msazureturkey.com/

Pablo Ariel Di Loreto

Trabajo en IT. Soy Techie, trasnochador, me gusta el deporte, el helado de dulce de leche y en otra vida he sido Profesor de Educación Física.

Twitter Followers = 197

Twitter   : @PabloDiLoreto |  Website : https://www.tectimes.net/

Paolo Patierno

Senior Software Engineer (IoT) @ Red Hat, Microsoft MVP on Windows Embedded & IoT. Devices to cloud, IoT, M2M and embedded systems. Speaker & Writer.

Twitter Followers = 1065

Twitter   : @ppatierno |  Website : https://paolopatierno.wordpress.com/

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