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What is Azure Web Apps Monitoring?

By: Netreo
July 14, 2015

Azure Web Apps Monitoring refers to the set of recesses that helps in monitoring websites, web applications, web jobs, and mobile apps hosted on Azure. It provides administrators with the means to track, monitor, control, and optimize processes and operations on Web Apps.

How Web App Monitoring is used?

Web Apps Monitoring is primarily used to provide administrators with tracking, monitoring and control over hosted web applications, web jobs, mobile applications, and websites. Typically, Azure Web Apps Monitoring include;

  • Track and analyze infrastructure utilization metrics such as CPU, RAM, Requests, and more.
  • Monitor web job statuses and runtime
  • Identify errors, outages, downtimes, and other performance degrading or non-availability conditions.
  • Troubleshoot and optimize infrastructure and services for performance.

How can Netreo help in Web Apps Monitoring?

Netreo extends monitoring and management of Azure Web App by providing comprehensive monitoring, sophisticated auto-scaling, automated recovery and customizable rule-based Web Job execution services, and more.

Netreo provides immediate insight into key metrics of Azure Webapps and Webjobs.  It allows to easily set up alerts with simple or complex criteria.

  • Track key performance metrics, such as CPU, RAM, Requests, and more
  • Alert on Errors, outages, and other conditions
  • Monitor continuous and triggered Web jobs

Need help with Azure monitoring needs. Request a Demo from Netreo!

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