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What are Azure Cloud Services?

By: Netreo
July 14, 2015

Azure Cloud Services are a collection of cloud-hosted IT services that enables creating, deploying and managing cloud-based enterprise applications, infrastructure, and services. It provides a suite of IT Infrastructure services to create, deploy and host simple to complex applications and API services on Microsoft managed scalable Azure cloud infrastructure.

How are Azure Cloud Services used?

The extent to which Cloud Services can be used and the features it provides is exhaustive. Cloud Services are commonly used to;

  • Deploy applications and API that can have anywhere from a single compute instance to thousands of instances on top of an auto-scalable infrastructure.
  • Build applications using an integrated development environment (IDE) with native support for Visual Studio Azure SDK, Java, PHP, Python and more.
  • Deliver a fully managed and fault tolerant hardware/server infrastructure for web and cloud applications
  • Provides a staging environment for testing the application before deploying it into the production environment.

What to monitor in Azure Cloud Services for performance?

There can be dozens of metrics that must be measured on Cloud Services to ensure top performance. However, some key performance metrics for Azure Services are;

  • CPU Utilization and Availability ( capacity)
  • Data In / Out
  • Memory Utilization and Availability (capacity)
  • Disk Utilization and Availability (capacity)
  • Application level performance / utilization metrics.

How can Netreo help in Cloud Service Monitoring?

Netreo extends Azure Cloud Services Monitoring by providing highly sophisticated and comprehensive monitoring, auto-scaling and automation options and allows users to remain in full control of their production deployments. Netreo can track thousands of unique signals for alerting, scaling or automation actions by connecting to Azure Diagnostics or through its light-weight self-updating agent software.

See how Netreo delivers value and automates common and frequent Azure Monitoring tasks. 

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