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Case Study


“We take availability monitoring very seriously — this is very critical to us — if the network goes down our customers go down, and that should never happen. Netreo sets us apart with an almost omniscient ability to foresee potential problems and neutralize them before they impact our services.”

Scott Pedersen
Senior Technical Director

Leading Managed Service Provider Integrates Netreo to Enhance Oversight and Real-Time Network Monitoring

Business Need

Founded in 1996, Pomeroy strives to change the economics of the enterprise connectivity experience with services that simply, smartly and openly facilitate access from any device on any network, while offering the visibility and control necessary to support the demands of enterprise customers. And through its Managed Network Services (MNS) division, the company also provides a high-speed wide area networking platform for enterprise customers. This division’s experienced project management staff, certified systems engineers and support teams have designed, implemented and managed over 100,000 endpoints over the past 15 years.

The MNS division’s hosted, state-of-the-art IP VPN management platform enables enterprises to remotely oversee large enterprise-grade networks, delivering security, visibility and control. From PCI compliance to advanced network and application level monitoring, Pomeroy delivers the solutions necessary to reduce costs while improving enterprise network performance, security and availability.

MNS required a best-of-breed monitoring solution that would allow users to evaluate network functions in real time, identify problems before they arise and support compliance and reporting on service level agreements. The SLA reporting function was critical in illustrating MNS’ value and giving its clients a reliable means of identifying inefficiencies. This solution needed to integrate seamlessly into the Pomeroy and be easily accessible and usable from a dashboard by users of client networks.

IT Need

For the Pomeroy division, Netreo functionality bundled within its remote data center management platform to monitor and trend network and resource performance has meant higher customer satisfaction levels and longer-term customer relationships that further enhance revenue growth. Additional positive return on investment can be attributed to Netreo’s record of fulfilling the ongoing development needs of Pomeroy and its customers while reducing overall platform development costs.

One example of this is the recent launch of the Pomeroy Net Flow service, which capitalized on the Netreo’s ability to perform application-level monitoring with data gathering and reporting.

“Pomeroy Net Flow is one of our newer value-added services that we offer above and beyond our standard service package to give our customers a deeper understanding of traffic patterns and applications use within their networks,” said Chris Linden, Senior Director, Product and Strategy for the Managed Network Services division at Pomeroy. “This is yet another feather in our caps when we make presentations to new prospective customers.”

Adding further ROI to the equation, Pomeroy has been able to increase its efficiency, reduce manpower and maintenance costs while improving time-to-market for new services by leveraging Netreo’s expertise.

Scott Pedersen, Senior Technical Director at Pomeroy, offered this further insight: “If we were going to build our own monitoring platform, that would have required two and a half years of our time and untold engineering expenditures, and we really didn’t want to do that. Instead, we teamed up with Netreo and they’re continuously doing development for us. They have all the technology and development expertise in place and it’s all-inclusive in our use agreement. We can’t imagine how this arrangement could be any better,” Pedersen said.

Netreo Solution

The developers at Pomeroy turned to Netreo and its award-winning network monitoring, alerting, and reporting suite to improve network management and visibility into their numerous managed enterprise environments.

“Netreo has subsequently become a critical valued partner. And over the years, based on our requests, they’ve delivered a number of solutions tailored to our needs that have enabled us to offer better, more reliable services to our enterprise customers.”

The network management functions of Netreo now support real-time monitoring, evaluation and management all from an easy-to-use customer dashboard. MNS also delivers infrastructure and software support from the cloud, as part of the Pomeroy package.

“One of our main selling points that we always mention to our customers is real-time performance metrics at the edge of the network. We’re monitoring end-to-end within the VPN tunnel from the corporate data center out to that end location, whether it’s a retail company or a financial institution or a giant insurance conglomerate,” Linden said.

Benefits to Pomeroy

  • Wrapped into the Pomeroy Managed Network Services package, Netreo provides Pomeroy and its customers with enhanced end-to-end management of their Wide Area Networks.
  • Netreo delivers real-time, endpoint monitoring and all the data necessary to effectively meet and report on service level agreement requirements.
  • Pomeroy network managers are able to proactively watch for network issues 24x7x365 and interdict them well before they require a potentially expensive reactive solution.
  • The additional services enabled by Netreo produce a handsome ROI in terms of overall lower costs, improved customer relations and enhanced revenue growth.
  • Netreo flexibility in meeting requirements of Pomeroy MNS and its customers for specific monitoring functions saves time and money while enhancing Pomeroys’ competitive position in the managed network services marketplace.
  • The ease with which Netreo meshes with the Pomeroy Managed Network
  • Services package provides a seamless solution for rapid customer implementation.
  • Ongoing development of new enhancements and tailored upgrades by the Netreo team conserve time and resources that Pomeroy would otherwise have to devote to infrastructure and software development.

Industry :
Information technology and network management

Location :
Irvine, CA

Summary :

Pomeroy needed a best-of-breed monitoring solution that would allow users to evaluate network functions in real time, identify problems before they arise and support compliance and reporting on service level agreements. They turned to Netreo and its award-winning network monitoring, alerting, and reporting suite to improve network management and visibility into their numerous managed enterprise environments.

  • Availability Monitoring
  • Fault Alerting
  • Data Center Dashboard
  • Network Management
  • Performance Monitoring
  • Flow Management

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