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What is Cloud Monitoring as a Service?

By: Netreo
September 16, 2015

Cloud Monitoring as a Service is referred to a type of on demand IT service that provides cloud monitoring and management tools for monitoring cloud based platforms, websites, servers, IT Infrastructure etc. It provides a fully managed cloud monitoring service for cloud and virtualization environments in organizations.

Typically, cloud monitoring as a service is delivered through a SaaS based cloud monitoring software that monitors and detects performance issues across the cloud infrastructure. The performance statistics and issues are reported to the cloud administrators for reviewing in a central dashboard or through email, SMS and other alerts and notifications.

How is Cloud Monitoring as a Service used?

It is primarily used to provide a managed infrastructure and resource monitoring service for cloud based IT infrastructures. It helps cloud administrators in:

End to end Monitoring – Monitor the performance and availability of entire IT resources hosted on a Cloud Infrastructure

Maintain Performance – Cloud Monitoring as a service ensures optimal performance of the underlying IT infrastructure

Detect Cloud Infrastructure Issues – Cloud Monitoring as a service helps cloud administrators identify problems with the monitored cloud infrastructure as soon as they happen

How Netreo delivers Cloud Monitoring as a Service?

Netreo enhances management of cloud environments for IT professionals by providing detailed and instant insight into stability of complex software systems via features like live cloud monitoring dashboards, fully customizable and meaningful alerts , immediate notifications and much more. Our cloud monitoring software automates key monitoring, scaling and recovery processes to ensure that Azure hosted cloud applications are stable and scalable

Dashboards – Visualize all your systems and resources in one place. Inspect critical charts side-by-side with important logs. Find root cause of many issues by navigating back in time and seeing how the overall system behaved before, during, or after problems occurred. Netreo supports many types of servers, databases, infrastructure and more.

Metrics – Track a wide variety of simple and complex metrics. Netreo supports tracking and analyzing tons of important information about your systems every minute of every hour. It is scalable and can grow with your business needs.

Alert Engine –  Stay in full control of how and when you are notified of production problems. Netreo provides a sophisticated alert engine that can evaluate multiple conditions simultaneously, based on real-time or sustained conditions using simple, complex, aggregated or unstructured metrics. 

Immediate Notifications –  With immediate notifications, Netreo allows IT professionals to unplug from constantly watching monitors or dashboards and concentrate on more important things, knowing that they will be aware of any issues as soon as they happen.

Find Out how Netreo can help you with all your monitoring needs. Request a Demo Today!

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