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What is Azure SQL Data Warehouse and how it is used?

By: Netreo
September 28, 2015

What is Azure SQL Data Warehouse

Azure SQL Data Warehouse is a cloud based data warehouse that enables in creating and delivering a data warehouse. Azure Data Warehouse is capable of processing large volumes of relational and non-relational data. It provides SQL data warehouse capabilities on top of a cloud computing platform. It has native support for SQL server and can easily migrate on premises SQL servers to SQL Data Warehouse as well use similar queries and constructs. Subscribers can instantly scale, pause and shrink their data warehouse resources.

How is Azure Data Warehouse used?

It is used to deliver a complete enterprise class SQL based data warehouse solution. Some ways to use it includes;

  • Creating a cloud based data warehouse
  • Migrating existing (on premises) data warehouse to the cloud
  • Deliver a data warehouse solution for applications and services that require data storage and retrieval service at run time – such as web applications.
  • Create a hybrid data warehouse solution that combines and connects on premises SQL Server / data warehouse with Azure hosted Data Warehouse.

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