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What is Azure Service Bus?

By: Netreo
October 30, 2015

Azure Service Bus is the cloud-based middleware message queuing service provided by Azure Cloud Services Platform. Azure Service Bus enables communication between devices, applications and services – on cloud, on-premises or both.

How is Azure Service Bus used?

Azure Service Bus is primarily designed to help developers connect different applications and services together. It has native library support for a variety of languages and platforms and can be used to connect any device, application or service together.

Azure Service bus works through queues that transmit and manage inter-application/services/devices messages on top of different protocols.  Azure service bus supports four different communication mechanisms to connect applications, services and devices together. These include Azure Service bus queues, topics, relays, and event hubs.

What to monitor In Azure Service Bus?

Azure Service Bus is an essential component of ensuring application and service delivery between interconnecting/communicating applications and services. Some Azure Service Bus Monitoring needs are:

  • Overall and individual level operations and performance of queues, topics, and event hubs.
  • Number of messages added, depth/length of message queues, topics, and subscriptions
  • Total number of messages and their sizes that are currently in the Azure Service Bus queue/topic/subscription
  • Total number of dead-letter messages currently in the Azure Service Bus queue/topic/subscription
  • Total number of messages that have exceeded their TTL (Time to Live)

How can Netreo help in Azure Service Bus Monitoring?

Netreo can help visualize and monitor various aspects of Azure Service Bus Queues, Topics, Subscriptions and Event Hubs.  Additionally, Netreo can trigger alerts, scaling actions and self-healing actions based on various conditions occurring within Azure Service Bus infrastructure.

  • Monitor queue, subscription, and topic depths
  • Track dead-letter messages in queues and subscription/topics
  • Get notified when messages are not processing
  • Keep up with Event Hubs key performance indicators

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