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The Ultimate List of Top Azure Monitoring Tools

By: Netreo
December 2, 2015

Azure Monitoring tools help monitor, optimize and automate day to day Azure Cloud administration and management operations.  They provide Azure Cloud administrators and engineers with knowledge and power to optimize their cloud systems for optimal performance in diverse, complex production environments.

Whether you manage a small or large Azure Cloud for your organization,  Azure Monitoring Tools can help you improve your cloud operations.

To help Azure Administrators get the best out of their Cloud Infrastructures, we have searched and compiled a list of Azure monitoring tools. These tools will help Azure Administrators in cloud monitoring, performance management, automation, instant alerts, cost management and much more.


Cerebrata - Azure Monitoring Tool

Cerebrata Azure Management provides a  central interface to manage your Microsoft Azure cloud storage, diagnostics data and application workflows. Azure Administrators can control storage, monitor and analyze diagnostics data, debug applications, script and automate common tasks and much more.


Netreo Azure Monitoring Tool

Netreo allows for comprehensive Azure monitoring and automation across one or more Azure subscriptions.  Netreo features in-depth support for large footprint of the Azure platform (VMs, Cloud Roles, SQL Azure, Service Bus, Storage, Virtual Networks, more) , delivers live dashboards, immediate alerts, self-healing automation, auto-scaling and more.   Netreo is a successor to AzureWatch, which was one of the first comprehensive Azure performance diagnostic, monitoring and auto-scaling solutions.

New Relic

Netreo Vs NewRelic - Azure Monitoring Tool

New Relic provides instant visibility into web and mobile apps hosted on Azure. It enables in monitoring and diagnosing problems in Azure-hosted apps from a single dashboard. Administrators can see and optimize resources that are slowing down app performance.


Netreo Vs Data Dog - Azure Monitoring Tool

Datadog is a monitoring and analytics platform for Azure based IT infrastructure, operations and development team’s .DataDog collects data from servers, databases, applications, tools and services to present a unified view of the applications and services, executed on Azure. 


Netreo Vs App Dynamics - Azure Monitoring Tool

AppDynamics seamlessly integrates its application performance management solutions with Windows Azure to provide the best possible solution for Azure users. Windows Azure users can isolate problems with code-level diagnostics and get full visibility into every business transaction.


Netreo Vs Dynatrace - Azure Monitoring Tool

Dynatrace enables you to analyze all transactions down to the method level. Dynatrace User Experience Management (UEM)  deploys in Azure to provide visibility and analysis of end-user experience from the browser all the way through your Azure Web and Worker Roles and to the storage layer.

CA Unified Infrastructure Management for Azure

Netreo Vs CA UIM  - Azure Monitoring Tool

CA Unified Infrastructure Management (CA UIM) for Windows Azure is designed to boost Windows Azure implementations and reliability through improved visibility. Its Azure monitoring capabilities delivers detailed quality-of-service (QoS) metrics, comprehensive usage metering and sophisticated alarms and automation.


Netreo Vs Zabbix - Azure Monitoring Tool

Zabbix is an open source enterprise-level software designed for real-time monitoring of metrics collected from servers, virtual machines and network devices, hosted / sourced from Azure. 


Netreo Vs Zenoss - Azure Monitoring Tool

ZenPack  by Zenoss provides support for monitoring Microsoft Azure Services. With Zenoss, Azure user can discover Azure Subscription entities, monitor storage service & site components, event management and monitoring for certain Azure states.

Windows Azure App by iKosmik

Netreo Vs Ikosmi - Azure Monitoring Tool

Azure Monitoring app by iKosmik helps you monitor your Microsoft Windows Azure Storage Accounts (Tables, Queues, Blobs) and Websites right from your mobile. The App can monitor any number of Windows Azure Storage Accounts (i.e. tables, blobs and queues) and Websites at a time.

Science Logic

Netreo Vs Science Logic - Azure Monitoring Tool

Science Logic’s Azure Monitoring tools provide a clear view of your Microsoft Azure-based workload. The solution helps you troubleshoot issues, monitor availability, map dependencies between onsite vs Azure Cloud environments and keep tabs on workload migrations, and manage everything in between.


Netreo Vs Proxcio - Azure Monitoring Tool

ProXcio’s C3 analyze your Azure spending, optimize your costs and manage your corporate IT finance. You can manage your Azure cloud spending across services, departments, projects, cost centers to get deep insight into your usage and costs.

Logic Monitor

Netreo Vs Logic Monitor - Azure Monitoring Tool

LogicMonitor includes support for monitoring Azure metrics.  It collects data from virtual machine or servers instances and you’ll be able to monitor critical Azure hosted infrastructure performance metrics and build out dashboards that show the data critical to your IT Operations.


Netreo Vs Bitnami - Azure Monitoring Tool

The Bitnami Cloud Tools is designed to enable using and monitoring Microsoft Azure services from the command line.  The Bitnami Cloud Tools installer is a self-contained, easy to use distribution that packages the Microsoft Azure command line tools together with preconfigured Node.js and Python language runtimes.

Cloud Harmony

Netreo Vs CloudHarmony - Azure Monitoring Tool

Cloud Harmony’s, CloudSquare service provides a general overview and availability of the Microsoft Azure Cloud services across the different global regions. It provides availability of Azure Virtual Machines, Azure CDN, Azure Compute and Storage resources.


Netreo Vs TeamQuest - Azure Monitoring Tool

TeamQuest provides capacity management and application health capabilities for the Microsoft Azure cloud computing platform.  IT professionals can better monitor and analyze the performance of virtual services running on Azure together with services running on in-house IT infrastructure, increasing environment visibility when using hybrid cloud environments. 

Azure Costs

Netreo Vs Azure Costs - Azure Monitoring Tool

Azure Cost is a simple tool to manage Azure based cost. It enables in identifying costs, tracking spending, optimizing costs, resource tagging and cost reporting across the Azure infrastructure,


Netreo Vs Nagios - Azure Monitoring Tool

Windows Azure Monitor by Nagios provides a set of different utilities to monitor several aspects of Windows Azure. With the plugins / utility, Azure Administrators can monitor Azure AD, Compute Roles, PaaS Roles, SQL Azure, and Azure Storage



Netreo Vs Nuget - Azure Monitoring Tool

The Nuget package for Microsoft Azure provides Microsoft Azure Monitoring Services operations including a unified API to retrieve and configure monitoring metrics, alerts, and autoscale rules for your Microsoft Azure services.

Log Entries

Netreo Vs Log Entries - Azure Monitoring Tool

Logentries offers a range of libraries that can be added to your application to send logs from an Azure Web app to Logentries. With Log Entries, Azure Administrators can collects logs for virtual machines, servers, storage and applications. The logs can also be monitored and viewed in real-time on Log Entries database.


Netreo Vs NetEnrich - Azure Monitoring Tool

NetEnrich provides Azure Administrators with control of their Azure environment. They can backup, monitor, maintain, recover, and optimize Azure environment including virtual machines, database, mobile services, application workloads and more.


Stackify AMP Monitoring Tool

Stackify provides a centralized dashboard to see all log and performance type data. It helps Azure Administrators to monitor production environment and ensure uptime and application performance. The Application Dashboard helps in understanding customer experience, overall application health and in fixing performance bottlenecks.

Do you think we have missed any Azure Monitoring Tool? Please let us know in your comments below.

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