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Receive and manage Netreo notifications in Autotask

By: Netreo
May 3, 2017

Autotask is a popular IT Management Platform that provides visibility and central control to daily operations. It comes with built-in best practices aligned with ITIL guidelines. Autotask is a powerful and very flexible tool,  it can be customized to fit even the most complex processes in large organizations.

API integration to AutoTask allows Netreo to automatically create and resolve Autotask tickets when Netreo raises/resolves alerts or executes actions. Users can decide which Netreo events should be reflected in Autotask based on resource, category, alert severity, etc.

Netreo notifications in Autotask

In this article, we’ll show how to configure integrations between Netreo and Autotask:

  • Step 1 – Find Autotask account ID
  • Step 2 – Set up Autotask integration definition in Netreo
  • Step 3 – Specify which notifications should be sent to Autotask

Step 1 – Find Autotask account ID

Log in to Autotask website, click the CRM tab and navigate to Account Search. Bring up Account that will be assigned tasks from Netreo and note its Account ID.

The account ID can be retrieved from the account browser dialog’s URL, e.g. https://www.autotask.net/autotask/crm/account/accountdetail.aspx?accountId={account_id}.

Netreo notifications in Autotask

Step 2 – Set up Autotask integration definition in Netreo

In Netreo portal navigate to the Integrations” screen under Account Information” section and select Autotask integration.

In the configuration dialog enter the account id copied in the previous step, provide credentials, i.e. Autotask username and password, and select Autotask queue that should be used to send tickets.

Press “Test” button to ensure that a test service ticket can be successfully created and resolved.

Netreo notifications in Autotask

Step 3 – Specify what notifications should be sent to Autotask

On the Notification Management screen you should define at least one new entry that will specify which notifications need to be sent to Autotask.  This step is required to activate the integration.

It’s possible to restrict Netreo from sending certain types of notifications, e.g. not have it auto-resolve tickets when the alert condition goes away, or not create tickets when an automated Action is executed.  

Netreo notifications in Autotask

See this article for more detailed instructions.

In a similar way, you can configure integration between Netreo and other tools often used by IT organizations, like ManageEngine, HipChat, PagerDuty, Zendesk, and more. See the full list here.

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