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How To: Troubleshooting Devices Not Added to Netreo

By: Brian Olsen
July 20, 2023

One of Netreo’s hallmark features is automated device discovery, onboarding and configuration. When you first fire up Netreo, it searches your entire infrastructure to identify and add devices for your monitoring needs. When properly orchestrated – that is, you provide enough detail on device location and monitoring needs in advance – devices get properly grouped and added to dashboards and reports, as well your Device Management page, alerting parameters, thresholding controls and alerting rules within Netreo.

The same process continues whenever new devices are added to your infrastructure. And like any monitoring tool, devices can also be added manually, plus via a few other means.

In this post, Netreo Director, Engineering Operations Brian Olsen covers troubleshooting issues you may experience when devices are not properly added. Troubleshooting methods apply to all device addition processes (import, API, Virtual Environments, CMDB, Manual Add, etc.)

Getting Started – Device Management

Before starting, be sure to have the following details available:

  • IP address for the device that didn’t get added
    • Choose a sample device if you’re troubleshooting more than one 
  • How the device should have been added in the first place (Scanning, CMDB, Manual, Import, API, Virtual  Environment, Cloud Resource)
  • Whether the device should be associated with a specific Service Engine

Check the Device Management Page to look for clues as to why the device has not been added properly. The Device Management Screen visualizes the flow that devices take during the onboarding process. Here you’ll see information about the devices discovered in the environment, their status in onboarding and the validation status.

The Device Management screen is available under the global Administration / Device Management menu item:

When Netreo learns or discovers a new device, it puts those devices into an interrogation table within our database. The system then executes processes to determine if the device can, or should, be managed.

Be sure to confirm these requirements by following the “Testing Connectivity” and “Credential Testing” before moving on with the Device Management Screen for troubleshooting devices.

The Device Management Screen

The Interrogation table will show the different statuses that devices can be flagged as during the addition process, along with the number of devices that have been set with the different statuses.

Using the IP address or addresses of the device or devices in question, click on each of the status fields. Clicking on one of the status fields will provide a list of the devices set with that particular status:

The above screenshot displays the list of devices flagged as failed. This list shows the IP addresses of the devices that have been discovered but have failed to be added. Search the list for the IP address or addresses of the device or devices in question.

After going through each of the lists and searching for the IP addresses, follow these steps, depending on which status table contains the relevant addresses.

IP Addresses, the Interrogation Table & Troubleshooting Devices

  • New
    • These devices are in the process of being added. If the Date under “STATUS DATE” is longer than 7 days, then you’ll need to contact Network Support Services.
  • Failed
    • These devices have failed to be added, most likely due to bad credentials.
  • Added
    •  The device has been added to the Netreo Instance, so this list should NOT include the missing devices you’re troubleshooting.
  • Enabled
    • The device had been added, was then disabled due to connectivity issues, then automatically re-enabled once connectivity was restored.
    • With connectivity to this device (or devices) restored, it (they) should be automatically re-enabled for monitoring.
  • Auto Disabled
    • The device has been added but then disabled due to connectivity issues. Refer to the Testing Connectivity section above.
  • Filtered
    • The device CAN be added, however, there is a filter configured to prevent it from being added. Go to the global Administration / Change Devices / Auto Configuration Parameters and check the device name or names with the configured filter list.

If the name matches a filter, all should be well

When the device name does not match, continue troubleshooting devices

  • Duplicate
    • The device was not added because a device that the IP address belongs to is already configured in Netreo.

If a duplicate IP address, or the IP address or addresses are not present in any of the status lists, you should contact Network Support Services.

Please note: in order for devices to be added as a managed object, the Netreo Instance or Service Engine must be able to reach that device, as well as successfully query the device for statistics.

Testing Connectivity

To make sure that the device is reachable by Netreo, test connectivity to the device from your Netreo instance.

To test connectivity, you can use the Credential and Connectivity Test tool. Navigate to Administration -> Tools -> Credential and Connectivity Test.

  1. Select ICMP (Ping) and enter the IP address of the device.
  2. If the device requires a Service Engine to be reached, select the appropriate SE.
  3. Click Test and verify the results of the Ping request.
    1. Focus on the “1 host up” part of the output. If this is present, the device is reachable.
    2. If the result shows “0 host up” then the device is not reachable / there is no connectivity to the device from Netreo or the configured Netreo Service Engine.
  4. Furthermore, you can use this same connectivity test to confirm if specific ports are open, filtered or closed on devices.
    1. Ports to check
      1. SNMP – UDP/161
      2. Windows – TCP/5985
    2. If the result includes filtered or closed in the message, then follow up with the Network Support Services team to get these ports available.

Testing Credentials

By testing credentials, users are able to identify whether the credentials applied to the device in question are functioning properly and determine if access methods are blocked in some way. Troubleshooting credentials is always the best place to start, because it’s relatively easy compared to finding other issues that could be causing the error.

Validating that a device has credentials applied to it

Navigate to a device’s Overview page where you can click the gear symbol to go to the Admin page. Scrolling to the bottom of the Admin page, you will see the credential fields.

If a field has a lock symbol, then it does have credentials applied from a template in that field. To confirm which template was used, simply hover your cursor over the field and the template will be displayed. It’s a good idea to hover over each field to double check that all are correct.

Fields may also have credentials filled in that are not locked from a device template. Two things to keep in mind at this step:

  1. Different devices will have different data in their credential fields
  2. Having asterisk in the password field doesn’t mean that the field is populated

Testing to see if a template or arbitrary credentials successfully authenticate to a device

To authenticate the device in question, go to Administration -> Tools -> Arbitrary Credentials Test. From here, try and make a connection to SNMP/SSH/Windows Powershell to an endpoint. The Arbitrary Credentials Tool gives a more specific response than the Test SNMP or Test WMI option. SNMP and WMI devices will respond with the Name of the device if it was successful. SSH devices will respond by attempting to run an echo “hello world” command.

In the tool, provide the IP address of a sample device and fill in the credentials manually or select a template to use. You can also use a specific Service Engine if there is one that is expected to have access.

If you get an authentication failure, you’ll need to test the local password.

If all of the above widgets are normal, move onto checking your Audit and Debug Log, which will show additional information that could help provide clues when a device fails to be added and why. Refer to our recent How To: Troubleshooting Alarms Not Recovering for how these logs can help.


Following these steps should identify the cause of devices not being added properly to your Netreo Instance. Many experienced Netreo users will know how to use this information to correct the issue. However, please never hesitate to contact Netreo Support Services whenever you encounter challenges when troubleshooting devices on your own, or any other issue you have.

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