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Geo-Disaster Recovery Feature is Now Available in Azure

By: Netreo
December 5, 2017

Microsoft Azure users can now use Geo disaster recovery feature in Azure Core services and Azure Event Hub. Azure Bus Service also offers this feature and it’s generally available for everyone. The amazing feature saves the people from managing recovering scenarios from code and lets them use services which utilize metadata synchronization in the independent namespace. However, the users need to understand the difference between a disaster and an outage.

Geo-Disaster Recovery Feature is Now Available in Azure

Outage: Outage is a short-lived event and happens due to the more transient issues. Only a few minutes are required to resolve outage.

Disaster: Disasters take hours or sometimes days to be solved and use full or partial data center outage. The best examples of disaster are earthquake, flood, and fire.

The services are at their initial stage of development and require separate monitoring process to automatically recover the disaster. A small application is needed to enable the automatic disaster recovery and monitor the namespace like connects every 1-10 minutes. The overall process doesn’t take much time as even the application triggers the failover if the connections don’t establish successfully after several attempts.

How to Set Geo-Disaster?

Follow the below-mentioned process to set the Geo-disaster feature in your monitor.

  • Choose namespaces of two different locations like US South Central and US North Central.
  • Define the spaces as primary and secondary locations.
  • Create pairing between them if you want to set them for disaster and failover.

If you want to learn more about Service Hub and Event Hub or the difference between the Outage and disaster then read the following documentation and follow the step by step guidance given by Azure Service Hub and Azure Event Hub.

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