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Developer Features of Azure CosmosDB Gremlin API

By: Netreo
March 13, 2018

Azure CosmosDB Gremlin API provides the complete solution of graph database as graphs are the best ways to model the real world data in naturally inter-connected manner. Every graph consisted of two parts, i.e. vertices and edges. To represent the discrete quantities like a person or an event, you can use vertices while edges are there to demonstrate a relationship among different entities. The vertices and edges show an arbitrary number of properties which are very helpful to exhibit your data.

Developer Features of Azure CosmosDB Gremlin API

The availability of graphs provides immense flexibility and the use of powerful tools make it a more effective way of data demonstration and gives richer insight. It’s not wrong to say that Azure Cosmos DB is the first PaaS service which is highly beneficial for to graph the benefits of cloud-native and enterprise-ready features of the database. The features include independent scaling, automatic indexing, and turnkey global distribution as it supports TinkerPop where you can migrate data without changing the code.

The immense perks and easy-to-use method of the Cosmos DB Gremlin Graph have made it the 2nd most demanding API. It supports developers, improves the query performance, and enhances the speed of the results.

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