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CosmosDB Table API: Optimal Solution for Storage Problem

By: Netreo
February 12, 2018

Azure Cosmos DB Table API is a remarkable solution of storage problems and it’s available as a production-ready solution by Microsoft. The API gives several benefits which were not found in Azure Table storage. 5 well-defined consistency models, dedicated worldwide throughput, single-digit millisecond latency, and turnkey global key distribution are the major advantages which users can avail from CosmosDB Table API.

CosmosDB Table API: Optimal Solution for Storage Problem

It’s highly compatible with different SDKs and you can use it with .Net, Python, Node.js, and Java. It helps the users to enhance the capabilities of the existing features of Azure Table Storage API while the premium capability turns on automatically when the user changes the connection string. One must know the difference between Azure Cosmos DB Table API and Azure Table Storage before making a decision.

Latency: Azure Cosmos DB Table API offers single-digit millisecond latency that is backed with <10ms read and <15ms write while Azure Table Storage doesn’t provide any upper bounds for latency. Throughput: Azure Cosmos DB Table API gives highly scalable throughput which is backed with SLAs and its upper bound support is up to >10 million operations per table. On the other hand, variable throughput model in Azure Storage Table has scalability limit 20,000 per operations.

Global Distribution: ACDTA supports all types of failovers in all Azure regions due to the turnkey global distribution while Azure Storage Table gives one single region optional readability and no option to initiate any failover.

Indexing: Automatic and complete indexing properties are available on ACDTA but, there is no index management option is given to the users. AST allows only primary indexing and there is no secondary indexing option is provided.

Query: Queries can search and get benefit from automatic indexing to increase the speed while ACSTA can execute a query for primary key and doesn’t respond to other keys.

Consistency: Five well-defined consistency levels are available in ACDTA which can turn on and off automatically. Consistency is strong only in primary region and eventual in other regions when it comes to AST.

SLAs: 99.99% availability is given on AVDTA while you can increase availability by adding more regions. The same level of SLAs availability is given on Azure Storage Table.

Before installing the Cosmos DB Table API, check complete features of the API and make sure it’s compatible with your platform.

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