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Availability of SDKs for the latest Bing Search APIs

By: Netreo
August 3, 2018

The SDKs for the Cognitive Services in Bing Search APIs have been made available for the Azure developers to check out and use wherever necessary. Presently available as REST APIs, the Bing APIs v7 now have SDKs in four different languages, namely: Java, C#, Python, and Node.js.

What are the offerings in the new SDKs?

  • Bing Web Search
  • Bing Image Search
  • Bing Custom Search
  • Bing News Search
  • Bing Video Search
  • Bing Entity Search
  • Bing Spell Check

What are the salient features of these SDKs for the latest Bing Search APIs?

  • easy to use and flexible to adjust basis application scenario
  • cover all the API v7 functionalities, languages, and countries
  • for every Bing offering, they tend to lessen the assembly footprint
  • development in C#, Java, Node.js, and Python
  • both free and paid use of the new/existing Bing APIs access keys
  • well-registered by means of samples and parameter references
  • supported through Azure and other developer forums
  • open source, licensed by MIT license and available on GitHub for easy collaborations

SDKs at a glance

Getting started with Bing SDKs

For C#, both NuGet packages and SDKs are available for individual Bing offerings. C# samples are the best place to start with. Using NuGet packages, these samples offer a very simple and step-wise guide on running various application specific scenarios. It is possible to build an application on top of the samples that every Bing offering has got along with its respective NuGet package.

If you are looking for development in other languages, check out the Java samples, Node samples, and Python samples. They all fall under the MIT license and come with a simple step-by-step guide to begin with.

In case you are already using Bing REST APIs in your application, all you need to do is to give these SDKs a spin with the access keys that you already have. If you are just a beginner and wish to use Bing APIs, you can buy your subscriptions right away or simply start with the free access keys. 

[su_note note_color=”#eeeeee” text_color=”#151212″]Suggested Reading: 5 Azure performance metrics every administrator should keep in mind[/su_note]

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