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An Introduction of the Firewall Support in Azure Analysis Services

By: Netreo
November 2, 2017

Security is an essential demand of every enterprise and azure firewall support for Azure Analysis Service offers significant help in this regard. It allows the customers to lock down their servers to prevent the entrance of malicious entities and control the desired traffic from the desired sources. The Azure portal enables you to make firewall settings while the user can also manage server properties from the same place. The default settings are made in a way that they automatically enable the preconfigured rule named as “Allow Access from Power BI” which helps the customers to enable their Power BI dashboard.

An Introduction of the Firewall Support in Azure Analysis Services

By making changes in IPv4 addresses, you can give access to the client’s computers. Moreover, you can also select and add the range of IPv4to the firewall settings. Resource Management Template is also there to configure the firewall programmatically, but it requires Azure Command Line Interface, Azure PowerShell, and Resource Manager REST API.

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