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An Insight into HDInsight Interactive Query and Blazing Fast Queries on Hyper-Scale Data

By: Netreo
November 2, 2017

Azure Data Lake and Azure Storage Blob offer significant benefits for data storage, but big data is still a major problem needs to be solved. Customers have petabytes of data at scalable commodity and managing such a big data is a serious problem. Moreover, it’s necessary to keep data in an interactive manner to take the insight of the data. Azure HDInsight offers Interactive Query Cluster to solve big data problems and following are the benefits associated with it:

  1. Fast Data Warehouse Style on SQL Queries

Fast query results are achieved due to the intelligent caching and optimization in the interactive queries. Interactive queries allow data analysts to get the right answer of their question by applying the right query without migrating data from one place to another. No migration feature reduces the effort of the analyst and offers better operational resiliency.

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  1. Advanced Scalable Query Concurrency Architecture

You can get a high degree of concurrency by using multiple clusters on the same data storage while fine grain resource management lets you make better concurrent users.

  1. Better Connectivity with Tools

Rich connectivity option allows the user to connect data with various tools like Excel, Beeline, Visual Studio, Hive CLI, and built-in Zeppelin notebook.

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  1. Increase your Available Investment by Sharing Data and Hive metastore

Attach your existing interactive query cluster with Hive metastore for the fast and straightforward querying if you are using Batch and ETL workloads on HD Insight.

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  1. Use SSD Caching to Get Low Latency

The best part of Interactive queries is their ability to combine RAM and SSD in the large data storage. You don’t have to compromise over the benefits you get from LLAP and even you can cache four times more data. The use of HDInsight never costs you more as the clusters notes have built-in SSD.

  1. No Data Format Conversation and Better Enterprise-Grade Security

Interactive Query Dynamic Text Cache converts JSON data into an optimized data format and data run faster like the specific file format once the text data is cached. Moreover, it offers high security and comes up with the useful features like Domain-joined  HDInsight cluster, Active Directory Domain, and Azure Log Analytics.

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